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Captura de Pantalla 2019-10-05 a la(s) 1


During the process of elaborating the project I took into account the feedback given after the shark tank. I had to make a connection between the person who played the game and the object so what I did was to have a different game in each stage that was related to childhood. The difficulties that I faced during the process of elaboration was to find a way to connect the object with the people who played. I also found difficult to create the games that I was going to put in each stage. In the other side, my strengths were that I had very clear what I wanted my game to be and how to organize it. As well it was easy for me the physical elaboration of the game. 

I think that what I could improve was to make more stages to the game but also I could've printed  some of the instructions that I wrote in little card because it didn't look well that some of them where printed but the others where hand written

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